Balance Sheet (QR Millions) | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Property, Vessels & Equipment | 4,031 | 4,063 | 3,250 | 3,005 | 2,841 | 2,776 | 3,095 |
Investment Property | 1,299 | 823 | 799 | 782 | 884 | 856 | 875.68 |
Intangible Assets | 160 | 149 | 152 | 91 | 16 | 13 | 4.416 |
Right of Use Assets | - | 155 | 228 | 144 | 210 | 115 | 118.368 |
Investments in Joint Arrangements | 950 | 1,090 | 964 | 994 | 1,025 | 1,022 | 1,084 |
Investments in Associates | 5,365 | 5,914 | 6,002 | 6,605 | 7,548 | 7,819 | 8,249 |
Financial Assets at FVOCI | 4,101 | 4,099 | 3,741 | 3,557 | 2,567 | 2,914 | 2,854 |
Loans granted to LNG Companies | 150 | 129 | 124 | 125 | 102 | 90 | 77 |
Other Assets | 26 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 0 | 365 | |
Total Non-Current Assets | 16,082 | 16,447 | 15,284 | 15,327 | 15,193 | 15,605 | 16,723 |
Inventories | 122 | 81 | 78 | 103 | 115 | 92 | 62 |
Trade & Other Receivables | 760 | 741 | 764 | 879 | 1,036 | 971 | 1,073 |
Equity Instruments at FVTPL | 139 | 56 | 117 | 505 | 502 | 501 | 646 |
Loan to a Related Party | - | - | 393 | - | - | 0 | 0 |
Investments in Term Deposits | 578 | 168 | 71 | 350 | 1,237 | 633 | 515 |
Cash & Cash Equivalents | 127 | 178 | 306 | 305 | 230 | 414 | 188 |
Total Current Assets | 1,726 | 1,224 | 1,728 | 2,142 | 3,120 | 2,612 | 2,484 |
TOTAL ASSETS | 17,808 | 17,671 | 17,012 | 17,469 | 18,313 | 18,216 | 19,207 |
Loans and Borrowings | 2,149 | 1,837 | 1,403 | 1,057 | 299 | 64 | 475 |
Advance from a customer | 115 | 107 | 99 | 91 | 83 | 75 | 67 |
Lease Liabilities | - | 109 | 154 | 63 | 139 | 47 | 62 |
Provision for Employees' end of service benefits | 121 | 120 | 114 | 110 | 115 | 117 | 123 |
Total Non-Current Liabilities | 2,385 | 2,173 | 1,770 | 1,320 | 637 | 303 | 727 |
Trade and Other Payables | 511 | 576 | 675 | 810 | 755 | 692 | 764 |
Loans and Borrowings | 274 | 270 | 718 | 485 | 757 | 418 | 175 |
Lease Liabilities | - | 54 | 91 | 94 | 81 | 80 | 64 |
Total Current Liabilities | 785 | 900 | 1,484 | 1,389 | 1,593 | 1,191 | 1,002 |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | 3,170 | 3,073 | 3,254 | 2,710 | 2,229 | 1,494 | 1,729 |
Share Capital | 1,145 | 1,145 | 1,145 | 1,145 | 1,136 | 1,136 | 1,136 |
Treasury Shares | (74) | (74) | (74) | (74) | - | - | 0 |
Legal Reserve | 4,694 | 4,694 | 4,694 | 4,694 | 4,694 | 4,694 | 4,694 |
General Reserve | 624 | 624 | 624 | 624 | 624 | 624 | 624 |
Fair Value Reserve | 3,886 | 3,876 | 3,368 | 3,408 | 2,472 | 2,465 | 2,350 |
Hedging Reserve | 296 | 68 | (96) | 279 | 994 | 982 | 1240 |
Retained Earnings | 4,011 | 4,210 | 4,043 | 4,644 | 6,122 | 6,781 | 7,448 |
TOTAL EQUITY Attributable to Equity Holders of Parent | 14,582 | 14,543 | 13,703 | 14,720 | 16,042 | 16,681 | 17,475 |
Income Statement (QR Millions) | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Operating Revenue | 2,420 | 2,425 | 2,267 | 2,784 | 3,285 | 2,942 | 2,840 |
Salaries, Wages & Benefits | (563) | (589) | (581) | (603) | (632) | (650) | (694) |
Operatiing Supplies & Expenses | (941) | (1,001) | (840) | (1,328) | (1,563) | (1,284) | (1,016) |
Rent Expense | (15) | (7) | (5) | (7) | (8) | (11) | (8) |
Depreciation & Amortization | (334) | (362) | (367) | (368) | (370) | (391) | (442) |
Bad Debt Provisions | (7) | (7) | (26) | (10) | (45) | (8) | 15 |
Other Operating Expenses | (159) | (177) | (169) | (214) | (181) | (162) | (159) |
Operating Expenses | (2,019) | (2,142) | (1,989) | (2,531) | (2,798) | (2,505) | (2303) |
Operating Profit | 401 | 283 | 279 | 253 | 487 | 436 | 536 |
Finance Expense | (148) | (103) | (84) | (73) | (59) | (50) | (32) |
Finance Income | 62 | 24 | 21 | 15 | 15 | 19 | 11 |
Gain/Loss on Disposal of Assets | 1 | 16 | 87 | (5) | 21 | 10 | 8 |
Joint Arrangements - Share of Results | 165 | 239 | 85 | 205 | 179 | 127 | 144 |
Associates - Share of Results | 273 | 361 | 418 | 476 | 542 | 520 | 585 |
FX Gain/Loss | 0 | (1) | (1) | 6 | (1) | (1) | (1) |
Tax | - | (1) | (5) | (4) | (1) | (14) | (14) |
Impairments - Vessels | (243) | (272) | (578) | (148) | (80) | (20) | (54) |
Impairments - NonVessels | - | - | (163) | - | (86) | 0 | (63) |
Non-Operating Income/(Expenses) | 111 | 263 | (220) | 474 | 530 | 593 | 583 |
Net Income (Group) | 512 | 546 | 59 | 727 | 1,016 | 1,030 | 1,120 |
Non-Controlling Interest | (5) | (1) | 0 | 2 | 4 | (1) | (2) |
Net Income (Parent) | 516 | 547 | 59 | 724 | 1,013 | 1,030 | 1,122 |
EBITDA | 1,175 | 1,259 | 1,236 | 1,303 | 1,597 | 1,485 | 1,713 |
Financial Ratios | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Operating Profit Margin | 17% | 12% | 12% | 9% | 15% | 15% | 18.9% |
Return on Assets (ROA) | 2.8% | 3.1% | 0.3% | 4.2% | 5.7% | 5.6% | 6.0% |
Return on Equity (ROE) of Parent | 3.7% | 3.8% | 0.4% | 5.1% | 6.6% | 6.3% | 6.6% |
Debt (LT Interest Bearing) to Equity Ratio | 14.7% | 12.6% | 10.2% | 7.2% | 1.9% | 0.4% | 2.72% |
Description | Downloads / View |
Financial 2024 | |
Financial 2023 | |
Financial 2022 | |
Financial 2021 | |
Financial 2020 | |
Financial 2019 | |
Financial 2018 | |
Financial 2017 | |
Financial 2016 | |
Financial 2015 | |
Financial 2014 | |
Financial 2013 | |
Financial 2012 | |
Financial 2011 | |
Financial 2010 |
Description | Downloads / View |
Annual Report 2024 | |
Annual Report 2023 | |
Annual Report 2022 | |
Annual Report 2021 | |
Annual Report 2020 | |
Annual Report 2019 | |
Annual Report 2018 | |
Annual Report 2017 | |
Annual Report 2016 | |
Annual Report 2015 | |
Annual Report 2014 | |
Annual Report 2013 | |
Annual Report 2012 | |
Annual Report 2011 | |
Annual Report 2010 |
Description | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
Quarterly Disclosure 2023 | ||||
Quarterly Disclosure 2022 | ||||
Quarterly Disclosure 2021 | ||||
Quarterly Disclosure 2020 | ||||
Quarterly Disclosure 2019 |