About Us
Milaha is a Qatari Public Shareholding Company with the diversity to deliver seamlessly integrated transport and supply chain solutions.

Investor relations activities are intended to present shareholders with detailed information and data on Qatar navigation's performance and its achievements during the year, along with outlining major business plans and objectives. The investor's community at large is also kept abreast of new developments, strategic initiatives and the company's financial performance throughout the year. Further, Qatar navigation keeps the Qatar Exchange and other regulatory bodies updated on matters and developments that may affect share price performance.
The Board of Directors values clear, comprehensive and timely communications with shareholders and stakeholders. This is achieved through interim financial statements and its Annual report. All financial statements comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the regulatory requirements of Qatar.
Milaha is a Qatari Public Shareholding Company with the diversity to deliver seamlessly integrated transport and supply chain solutions.
The shares of the company have been publicly traded on the Qatar Stock Exchange since May 26, 1997.
View Operating Revenues (QR mn), Consolidated Annual Results, Quarterly Financials, Yearly Financials, and Annual Reports
View Shareholder Information, Dividends, and General Assembly Meeting Information.
View or download Quarterly Earning Presentations, Corporate Profiles, fact sheet, documents etc.
Our news blog contains notifications, service updates, industry news and information on what is happening at Milaha.