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Milaha’s Ordinary General Assembly Meeting Approved to Distribute a Cash Dividend of 40% of the Nominal Share Value

  25 February 2025

Doha, Qatar, 24 February 2025 - Qatar Navigation Q.P.S.C. (“Milaha”) held its Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting virtually, today, at the Company’s headquarters, during which the Shareholders approved the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting agenda, including the company’s audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024.

The Ordinary General Assembly Meeting ratified all items on its agenda including the proposal of the Board of Directors to distribute a cash dividend of 40% of the nominal share value, equivalent to QR 0.40 per share. The Ordinary General Assembly also approved appointing “KPMG” as Auditors for the year 2025.

Addressing the meeting, H.E Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al-Thani, Chairman of Milaha’s Board of Directors, presented an overview of the Company’s activities and consolidated financial results, noting that Milaha reported a net profit of QR 1.12 billion in 2024, compared to QR 1.03 billion for the same period in 2023.

In his speech, H.E. the Chairman of the Board of Directors commented that Milaha remained focused on moving full steam ahead towards its strategic objectives, and that the company continued investing in assets to support future growth, namely in the critically important oil & gas sector, with close to QR 1 billion in total capital expenditures spent in 2024.  


We would like to draw the attention to Milaha’s Shareholders that the dividend distribution will be through EDAA Company. The company will provide full support services to ensure that Shareholders can efficiently collect and manage their earned dividends.

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